Alpha France: La Rabatteuse + Maitresse Pour Couple
Year: 1977 + 1980
Country: France
Language: French
Genre: Classic, Feature, Couples
Duration: 1 hour 23 mins + 1 hour 13 mins
Starring: La Rabatteuse: Alexandra Sand as Cor’lia
Barbara Moose plays Nadine, the ‘bride’
Brigitte Lahaie plays Jocelyne
Claude Janna as Rachel, plays a shop assistant
Dani’le Troeger uncredited, plays assistant in dress shop
Emmanuelle Par’ze as Danielle Delaude, plays the Countess, a customer at the dress shop
France Lomay plays the younger woman (the daughter) at the street caf’
Karine Gambier as Barbara Stephen, plays Inge, the air stewardess
Marion Schultz uncredited, plays the older woman (the mother) at the street caf’
Nicole Velna as Nicole Natte, plays the cinema usherette
Samantha plays the woman walking her dog
Ghislain Van Hove Male plays the male for whom BL pimps
G’rard Gr’gory as Gr’gory plays the male who leaves at start
Richard Lemieuvre, uncredited, plays the chauffeur in last scene
Maitresse Pour Couple: Brigitte Lahaie plays Brigitte
Christine Lodes as Virginie, plays Marianne
Julia Perrin as Marie Lou, plays Claire
Guy Berardan (Jacques Vinair) plays Georges
Dominique Aveline plays Edmond
Jo’l Charvier plays Max
Dominique Saint-Clair plays Jos’
Description: La Rabatteuse: Brigitte Lahaie is left by her husband or boyfriend in the care of a male friend while he is away. For reasons unclear to those of us who do not speak French, she immediately begins to pick up women for him. The first is Karine Gambier, an air stewardess, spotted at the airport where they have said goodbye to the boyfriend. Next Dani’le Troeger, in a scene reminiscent of one in Radley Metzger’s The Image, is seduced in the changing rooms of a dress shop. Emmanuelle Par’ze is also encountered there and comes round to their place later. Next France Lomay and an older blonde (XNK0300) are picked up from a pavement caf’. Then, in ever quicker succession, cinema usherette Nicole Velna, a mousey-haired brunette (Marion Webb), a brunette in a dark dress (XNK0302), a slightly older brunette (probably Vicky Mes Min, but anyway XNK0303), and lastly Barbara Moose tries on her wedding dress for them and an orgy develops when Emmanuelle Par’ze returns with her chauffeur Richard Lemieuvre.
Maitresse Pour Couple: Georges is head over heels in love with Claire, his lover. Since he is still has nice feelings towards his wife (Brigitte) he would like to simply divorce, but she has the money, and he decides to ask two killers (Max and Edmond) to do the job. Brigitte, being a gorgeous lady, has no trouble seducing both men and ruling them. So she asks them to kidnap Claire and have some fun with her. They film the scene and show it to the husband. The film ends in the usual orgy where the husband makes friend again with his wife who finally agrees on living with him and his lover.
Video quality: DVD9
Video Format: DVD Video
Video codec: MPEG2
Audio codec: AC3
Video: MPEG2 PAL 4×3 6500 Kbps
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 192kbps
Size: 7.78 GB + 3% Recovery Record
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